Community Hall Revitalization Project

In 2019, the Lendrum Community League surveyed the community regarding capital projects and it was determined that the Hall was the #1 priority.

The Lendrum Hall Redevelopment Committee (LHRC) activities to date have included:

  • Establishment of Terms of Reference with LCL Board

  • Undertaking a community survey among residents, groups, and users to understand current needs and future desires for the hall

  • Submitted Project Proposal to City of Edmonton (COE) - Approved

  • Work in Progress to establish a Community Led Business Case - as per process with the City of Edmonton

  • Research and analysis of other neighbourhood community halls and recent builds and renovations

By Providing Your Feedback, You Can Help Us

Help us confirm what types, sizes, and functions and facilities should be included in upgrades to spaces in our community hall

Help us decide on a recommended approach for upgrading the hall facility: primarily whether to renovate, rebuild, or extend the existing hall

Engagement boards for feedback and community input were circulated in September 2021.

You can provide your feedback on how you think the hall should be upgraded by filling in this Google Form.

Project Process and Timeline

The timeline to deliver an updated community hall depends on the scope of project the community decides to undertake, the potential to secure grant funding, and the commitment of our wonderful community members

  • Determine what all to include and recommend best approach to hall redevelopment. Develop and submit business plan to City of Edmonton and confirm overall vision and scope of the hall renovation project

  • Develop design options and concept level cost estimates (+/- 40%) for 1-3 potential hall redevelopment scenarios

  • Choose from design options developed during Concept phase. Develop chosen design option into a set of design and construction documents

  • Contractor hired to begin construction

What We Heard

  • The community largely expressed a desire for the hall to accommodate bigger events, and noted that the existing hall is too crowded during some events. There is a desire for an improved kitchen.

  • Respondents told us that they would like to see more classes such as art, language, music, food, cooking; and more activities such as games and sports like table tennis. The hall should also provide a space for more Lendrum users like our seniors and youth.

  • A desire for more appropriate windows and spaces that connect well between indoor and outdoor activities. A visual connection to volleyball, playground, spray deck and fields, with a possibility of rooftop deck are to be explored.

  • The hall is not as inclusive as it could be for all users as the washrooms are small and not universally accessible. The entrance is small and does not provide ease of access, especially during winter.

  • A desire for better comfort, climate control, energy efficiency, lighting, aesthetics and environment. The current hall was cited as feeling cold or with fluctuating temperatures, with a lack of windows and natural light that could help the hall feel more inviting.

Fundraising Begins!

Hall redevelopment fundraising is underway! Support the exciting redevelopment of the Lendrum community hall through a variety of fundraising opportunities and events. Watch the website and our social media feeds for details.